Daily Dose of Health: My Experience with Care/of Vitamins

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Have you ever been eager for an order to come in the mail? To the point where you couldn’t stop checking the tracking number because you wanted it here already? That was me a month ago when I was waiting for my Care/of package.

For those who haven’t heard of Care/of, it is a company where you take a survey that personalizes what type of vitamins and supplements you should take for your health goals and diet.

For example, I live in Washington and sunshine can be a rarity here so I should be taking a Vitamin D supplement. I have known for some time that I should be taking Vitamin D, but adding one more step in the morning sounded like a daunting task for this snooze-button-hitting queen.

Care/of vitamins was appealing to me because they come in a pre-packaged baggie each day, for the month. All I have to do is tear the packet open and take my vitamins for the day. Each packet of vitamins has a question, quote or some sort of challenge on it. Rather than scrolling mindlessly through my timeline in the morning, these prompts on the packets help me begin my day full of intention.

Once you have your personalized plan, you can download the Care/of app on your phone to track your vitamins, read health-related articles and earn carrots for taking your vitamins. No, not the vegetable. Carrots are Care/of’s point system where you can redeem them for rewards such as discounts on future orders, free yoga classes, even an Apple Watch. This depends on how many carrots you have, of course.


With multiple ways to keep me accountable, there wasn’t a reason for me not to take vitamins.

After taking my vitamins consistently for 40+ days, I can confidently say they have made a difference in my life. I sleep better throughout the night, my skin is clearer, my nails grow faster, and my overall mood is more positive.

If taking vitamins catered to your specific needs is a habit you want to implement in your daily routine as I did, I’d highly recommend signing up with Care/of. They make it impossible not to be successful in doing so.

What healthy habits are you working toward? What steps are you taking to achieve them? Sound off down below!

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